Lots has happened recently.
A few weeks ago, I had a moment. One of those situations that feels made for TV, a moment of epiphany, where in a TV show, we would start to hear some catchy pop song start to play, followed by a montage of putting in the work. That's what it's felt like, lately - like I'm awake again. Woken up from slumber, ready to return to work. Whatever that will look like, time will tell.
The last weeks have been full of wonderful conversations, insightful and enjoyable - the sorts of conversations you don't want to end. All sorts of topics were covered: Credit, valuations, the ever increasing leverage within the system. Politics, how to debate and disagree (when we listen to each other, and try to understand, we can actually grow. Not always easy to admit when we may have to reconsider our previously held beliefs). Fashion and culture. Recently my time has been captured once again by Ayn Rand. Not everyone's cup of tea, to be sure, but I happen to love her stories and perspective on the world, for better or for worse. Perhaps deep down I want to believe that I too am a great man. Isn't that a goal worth pursuing, after all - to be great?
Anyway, happy Saturday